Quintessential Knits - Summer News

Happy Summer! We're looking forward to our next Knit in the Park coming July 8th from 1-4 pm. We meet at McCormick Park in Duvall. You'll see us in the grassy area. Bring a chair and your favorite fiber project!
We have posted a new class, Beginning Wheel Spinning on July 15th from 10am - Noon. We still have space in our Plying class on July 8th as well.
Our Summer Camp Crochet spots are filling up, we still have a few left. Our Knitting camp has space as well! You can go to our website to sign up. As always we have Learn to Knit or Crochet classes on an individual basis. One or two people per session, just come by or call to set up a time.
Need a travel project to take on your vacation? There are some great summer knit samples in the shop to help get your creativity going! We always here to help!