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Yarn Shop Happenings

Hopefully you are all gearing up for a nice Thanksgiving, whatever that looks like for your family. This is definitely a year of firsts and learning to do things a little differently. There are some upcoming changes we would like to let you know about.

Our schedule will look a little different for the remainder of 2020.

Starting this week we will be open from 10 - 2pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays. Due to the rising numbers of Covid 19 cases in our area we are limiting the number of people in the store to 2 and ask that you please don't come in if you have been feeling sick, have a fever or have been exposed to anyone that may have Covid 19. We require masks that cover your nose and mouth and we have hand sanitizer at the door to use before you enter the yarn shop. We also have Curbside shopping, Virtual Shopping, Website and Phone shopping too! Call 425-890-6756 or email us You can also view some of our products online at We will be assessing the Covid 19 situation weekly so follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook to stay up to date on any other changes. You can also visit our website to see any changes that may occur. Our Holiday Schedule is as follows: Thanksgiving Holiday: CLOSED November 26 - 29 Christmas Holiday: CLOSED December 24 - January 1 Over the Christmas Holiday Break we will be making some changes to our space. When we reopen on January 2nd our Yarn Shop will look a little different, we will be closing the carpeted side of the shop and continuing on in our original space. We are so happy that we are able to continue to stay open through this pandemic and have some great ideas about how we will be using the new space. We can't wait for you to see it when we reopen!

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